This image was created with Fred's Fractal Factory and animated with Spectrum Shift Paint. |
Fred's Fractal Factory and Viewer doesn't try to be the best fractal generation program around. There are lots of other programs around that do that better. See Fractint. Fred tries to do several things well:
Fred is available for download and it is free! It can easily take days to pre-calculate the images using the Factory, but once you have done so, everything looks amazing in the Viewer.
You can browse Fred's help files online:
Here is a gallery of Mandelbrot sample images created with Fred. Click on an image to view the full size version.
Identical images, different palettes:
This is the Spectrum Gradient application that is bundled
with Fred. It allows you to interactively create interesting palettes.
The following three images are all identical except that their palettes are 'shifted':
To the extent possible under law,
Elliot Leonard
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
the images on this page.
This work is published from:
United States.